Pas de Calais - definitie. Wat is Pas de Calais
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Wat (wie) is Pas de Calais - definitie

Pas de Calais; Straits of Dover; Dover Strait; Strait of dover; Straits of dover; Fretum Gallicum; Dover Straits; Dover Straight; Pɑdə kalɛ; Nauw van Calais; Straat van Dover; Dover strait; Fretum Britannicum; Strait of Calais; Strait of Callais
  • [[Automatic Identification System]] display showing traffic in the strait in 2006
  • Map showing the hypothetical extent of Doggerland (c. 10,000 BCE), which provided a land bridge between Great Britain and continental Europe
  • Terra]] satellite image, March 2001
  • upright=1.2
  • NASA Satellite image<br />December 2002
  • upright=1.2

7 Valleys Pas-de-Calais         
7 Valleys Pas de Calais
The 7 Valleys (Les 7 Vallées) in Pas-de-Calais is a land of rivers and streams, valleys, forests. The best known of the Seven Valleys, is the Valley of the Canche.
Cantons of the Pas-de-Calais department         
Cantons of Pas-de-Calais; Cantons du Pas-de-Calais; Cantons of Pas de Calais; Canton of Pas-de-Calais; Cantons of the Pas-de-Calais département; Cantons of the Pas-de-Calais departement
The following is a list of the 39 cantons of the Pas-de-Calais department, in France, following the French canton reorganisation which came into effect in March 2015:Décret n° 2014-233 du 24 février 2014 portant délimitation des cantons dans le département du Pas-de-Calais
2004 Nord-Pas-de-Calais regional election         
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Draft:2004 Nord-Pas-de-Calais regional election
A regional election took place in Nord-Pas-de-Calais on 21 and 28 March 2004, along with all other regions. Daniel Percheron (PS) was re-elected President of the Council.


Strait of Dover

The Strait of Dover or Dover Strait (French: Pas de Calais French pronunciation: ​[pɑ d(ə) kalɛ] - Strait of Calais), is the strait at the narrowest part of the English Channel, marking the boundary between the Channel and the North Sea, separating Great Britain from continental Europe. The shortest distance across the strait, at approximately 20 miles (32 kilometres), is from the South Foreland, northeast of Dover in the English county of Kent, to Cap Gris Nez, a cape near to Calais in the French département of Pas-de-Calais. Between these points lies the most popular route for cross-channel swimmers. The entire strait is within the territorial waters of France and the United Kingdom, but a right of transit passage under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea allows vessels of other nations to move freely through the strait.

On a clear day, it is possible to see the opposite coastline of England from France and vice versa with the naked eye, with the most famous and obvious sight being the White Cliffs of Dover from the French coastline and shoreline buildings on both coastlines, as well as lights on either coastline at night, as in Matthew Arnold's poem "Dover Beach".

Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Pas de Calais
1. Anyone disagree? – Marsden, Pas de Calais, France Don‘t worry, Gordon Brown won‘t let it happen.
2. Dalle was born in 1'18 in Hesdin, Pas–de–Calais, where his father was a prosperous brewer.
3. Twenty days after D–Day, Hitler still believed the real invasion was coming in the Pas de Calais.
4. Two schools were also torched in the Nord–Pas–de–Calais and Picardie regions, north of Paris.
5. There are two main tunnels plus a third service tunnel, which connect the southeast English county of Kent to the Pas–de–Calais region of France.